Guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments in the world partly due to the fact that it is relatively easy to make music with it. Nevertheless, one of the most common problems faced by guitar players everywhere is poor tuning, which become even more important when one tries to learn a music piece by ear, which can be impossible without a properly tuned guitar. For that reason, a tuner comes in handy when one is learning how to play the guitar, or when one wants to play a tuned instrument. GuitarTM is not only a small yet powerful guitar tuner, but it is also a metronome (hence the "TM" acronym, which stands for "Tuner-Metronome"). Unlike other guitar tuning software available, this one works with the input of the guitar itself; you need to have a microphone and place it inside your acoustic guitar (or connect your electric guitar to your sound card). Next, you have to push the button of the string you want to tune and strike the corresponding string on the guitar. You will know when you string is properly tuned when the yellow bar matches the center, arrow-marked bar of the spectrum graphic. On its part, the metronome allows you to play between 10 and 320 beats per minute and between 1 and 128 beats per measure. Perhaps the downside of it is that the sounds produced are rather annoying. Nevertheless the overal strenghts of the program beat its weaknesses.